Xu Kai
Artist : Xu Kai
Born on : 1995-03-05
Biography :
Xu Kai (??) is a Chinese actor and model born on March 5, 1995, in Shenzhen, Guangdong Province, China. He initially gained recognition as a model, winning the championship in a modeling competition in 2013. Xu transitioned into acting in 2016, signing wi
Awards: Huading Awards (2019) Tencent video star awards (2019) Weibo Tv drama awards (2022)
TV shows: Story of Yanxi palace (2018) The legends (2019) Dance of the sky Empire (2020)
How can I book Xu Kai for a Event or show? EliteFan makes the job easy for you to contact Xu Kai . Once we receive your booking enquiry through EliteFan we will share the availability and quote of Xu Kai with you. We will also discuss the performance. contract with you. Once it's signed you will be able to pay an advance to confirm the booking of Xu Kai . During the show we will be involved to make sure it's a hit.
How much does Xu Kai charge for a show? You will get the latest show fees of Xu Kai after you fill the enquiry form of EliteFan. EliteFan will send the quote on email and sms to you. So press BOOK to start filling the form. Our agents normally reply quickly however kindly wait for 48 hours. This is to allow Xu Kai to respond.
Can I get Xu Kai 's phone number? We have direct contact with the representative of Xu Kai and we will share all the booking information with you. Beware of anyone offering you the direct phone number of Xu Kai .
Do you officially represent Xu Kai ? No we do not. EliteFan make it easier to connect with the representative of Xu Kai .
How much does EliteFan charge for it's service? EliteFan offers Direct Contact and Easy Booking plans.
Born on : 1995-03-05
Biography :
Xu Kai (??) is a Chinese actor and model born on March 5, 1995, in Shenzhen, Guangdong Province, China. He initially gained recognition as a model, winning the championship in a modeling competition in 2013. Xu transitioned into acting in 2016, signing wi
Awards: Huading Awards (2019) Tencent video star awards (2019) Weibo Tv drama awards (2022)
TV shows: Story of Yanxi palace (2018) The legends (2019) Dance of the sky Empire (2020)
How can I book Xu Kai for a Event or show? EliteFan makes the job easy for you to contact Xu Kai . Once we receive your booking enquiry through EliteFan we will share the availability and quote of Xu Kai with you. We will also discuss the performance. contract with you. Once it's signed you will be able to pay an advance to confirm the booking of Xu Kai . During the show we will be involved to make sure it's a hit.
How much does Xu Kai charge for a show? You will get the latest show fees of Xu Kai after you fill the enquiry form of EliteFan. EliteFan will send the quote on email and sms to you. So press BOOK to start filling the form. Our agents normally reply quickly however kindly wait for 48 hours. This is to allow Xu Kai to respond.
Can I get Xu Kai 's phone number? We have direct contact with the representative of Xu Kai and we will share all the booking information with you. Beware of anyone offering you the direct phone number of Xu Kai .
Do you officially represent Xu Kai ? No we do not. EliteFan make it easier to connect with the representative of Xu Kai .
How much does EliteFan charge for it's service? EliteFan offers Direct Contact and Easy Booking plans.